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Counterfeit refrigerants and refrigerant cylinders

Counterfeiting of refrigerants and refrigerant cylinders has become a serious issue across the globe, costing businesses and consumers millions of dollars per year. These counterfeit refrigerant products have been identified across Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and the United States.  Problems resulting from counterfeit refrigerants and refrigerant cylinders range from poor system performance to physical injury, or even death.



Arkema takes the issue of counterfeit cylinders very seriously and recommends the following to ensure you only purchase and use authentic Forane® Refrigerant products. 

  • Only purchase products from a reputable refrigerant producer, such as Arkema.
  • Only purchase refrigerants from a reputable dealer, who is authorized to sell those products, such as Forane® Refrigerants.
  • Never purchase products from individuals, internet classifieds, and/or auction sites.
  • Beware of products being sold at prices far below market value.
  • Inspect cylinders and packaging for any suspicious features. Often counterfeit packaging contains misspelled words, incorrect brand names, and overall poor quality.

To protect our customers further, Arkema has begun the implementation of a brand protection initiative for its Forane® Refrigerants products. Forane® anti-counterfeit heat shrinks and labeling are rolling out on non-refillable DOT-39 style packaging globally. The label contains several features that can easily be seen by the end-user. Each of these features can be verified with the customer if a product is suspect.

  • Authentication QR code – Can be scanned by any smartphone to verify the authenticity
  • Human readable authentication code – Can be manually typed into an authentication website to verify the authenticity
  • Micro optic film
  • Holographic film – Illusion of motion as shifted


Authentic Forane® Refrigerants code

Two ways to verify your product is authentic

  • Scan the QR code on the label, using the Cylinder Authentication feature in theForane® Refrigerants P/T App, available in the Apple App Store and Google Play.*


QR Code Readability

Need help or have questions regarding product authenticity? Contact us directly.

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