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Arkema wholesalers, who participate in our Forane® Refrigerant reclaim program, are located throughout the United States and can take back your used R-22 and most other refrigerants for reclaiming. Contact your local distributor for details about their specific reclaim program. Call Arkema Customer Service at 1-800-245-5858 to find your closest Arkema wholesaler for reclaim.

You need to put the cylinder on a scale and fill it to no more than the maximum allowable weight (MAW) for the cylinder. All cylinders are stamped with a water weight capacity (WC).  The rule to use is that the maximum weight of refrigerant to be put into a cylinder should be equal or less than the following formula:   MAW = 0.8 X WC X SG,  where the SG is the specific gravity of the refrigerant you are working with. A simpler and slightly more conservative value can be obtained simply by filling to no more than 80% of the cylinder’s WC, or MAW = 0.8 X WC. Make sure to check this value for each cylinder you use, since different manufacturers may have different WC. Overfilling a cylinder may cause it to burst or force its pressure relief valve to open unexpectedly. It is also a violation of DOT regulations to transport overfilled cylinders.

Yes. In general, if your equipment is rated for the refrigerant’s pressure, and you make sure that it is free of residuals when you change from one refrigerant to another, there should be no problem using the same recovery unit for any of the refrigerants you deal with. Regarding hoses and gauges, while it is okay to use them with the different refrigerants, in most cases, refrigerant stays trapped in the hoses and may lead to cross-contamination. If you share equipment, make sure that all the previous refrigerant has been removed before you switch to a new one.

Absolutely. Not only is the recovery of refrigerant a great benefit to the environment, but the law mandates it. Purposely venting refrigerant is a violation of EPA rules and is subject to hefty fines and penalties. The small amounts of refrigerant that are vented when connecting or disconnecting hoses, are considered to be a “de minimis” amount and are exempted from the venting rules and penalties.

Yes. You must use a different cylinder for each specific refrigerant you recover. You should avoid mixing refrigerants since there will be no value to the recovered material.  However, there are some minor exceptions to this rule. You can mix any recovered refrigerants that have the same number, regardless of the letter; for example, you can mix R-407A and R-407C in the same container. Also, you can mix R-404A and R-507A. Please remember that if you intend to reuse the refrigerants without sending them to be reclaimed, you should not mix refrigerants.

First, you need to determine the amount of refrigerant you are recovering, so you can determine the size and number of cylinders to use. Next, determine the pressure rating of the cylinder based on the refrigerant type to be recovered. Refer to our recovery cylinder information table for the correct cylinder. All of our recovery cylinders are clean and evacuated when you get them. They are painted gray with a yellow top. Check that the expiration date of the cylinder is far enough ahead that it will give you time to perform your recovery and return the cylinder to us. Also, check that the cylinders are not dented, corroded, or showing signs of damage that may make them unsuitable for the job.

You must use one of the cylinders rated for the refrigerant you intend to return. Refer to our recovery cylinder information table for the correct cylinder.  It is a Department of Transportation (DOT) violation to charge refrigerants that exceed the pressure rating of a cylinder.

Very small amounts of oil may be recovered with the refrigerant, especially if the refrigerant is recovered as a liquid. This is normal and acceptable.

All of the Forane® refrigerants that we currently make, or made in the past, will be accepted for recovery within our program. This includes R-11, R-12, R-22, R-123, R-134a, R-404A, R-407A, R-407C, R-408A, R-409A, R-410A, R-427A, R-500, R-502 and R-507A. If your refrigerant is not listed here, please contact us since we may be able to work with you.

Halons will not be accepted. Fluorocarbons from solvents or cleaning agents are not acceptable. Non-fluorocarbon refrigerants such as ammonia, methylene chloride, propane, ethane, or sulfur dioxide are not acceptable.
